Immigration law comes to meet a human need: movement. The current unprecedented mass movement of populations from all corners of the world, both economic migrants and refugees, must be effectively addressed by law.
It is therefore necessary to legally regulate the entry and residence of third-country nationals, the entry, residence and work of third-country nationals and their family members, and the return of illegally staying third-country nationals through the procedure of removal (expulsion). Frequent and often unjustified adverse administrative acts create a need for judicial protection by the legal representative of the act.
In addition, the frequent movements and long-term residence of foreign nationals often create close links with the State of residence. Citizenship is the public law legal link that binds a person to the state to whose people he or she belongs. There is no single rule governing all states as to how citizenship is acquired. Each State defines its own rules on the acquisition and loss of nationality.
Once acquired, a foreign national is now fully on an equal footing with nationals in terms of rights and obligations. In our country, the procedure for acquiring citizenship is often complicated and time-consuming and requires specialised and experienced legal expertise. The firm has vast experience in Immigration and Nationality Law cases and provides very high quality services.